
  • Michael Newcombe - Educational Leader

    “‘Time waits for no one. Break the cycle and dream big for a better and brighter future for you and your mob’ (Kylie Captain).

    Tragedy, sacrifice and injustice can crush the soul. How much can one person truly survive before they are swept away into the numbing depth of despair? Author, educator and proud Gamilaroi woman, Kylie Captain, lays bare the visceral and raw personal story of loss and circumstance.

    When all is lost but hope. The strength of hope to not dismiss or erase what has happened in life but to believe it can be better. To explore the positivity of ‘What if’. Reading this book is not just good for your soul, it is the ‘old-fashioned blackfulla curry chicken soup’ you need in this uncertain world we live in.

    Kylie Captain has shown not only how to be a champion of her culture and living life big, but how to harness all that is good in life and to spread the cosmic karma of kindness, education, wisdom and love to others.

    I feel that Kylie was meant to be in my life to lift me and to encourage me to be better and to be a strong ally for our Aboriginal brothers and sisters. A heartbreaking but incredible read from a resilient and inspiring author.”

  • Tammy Anderson - Aboriginal Educational Leader

    “Kylie’s rawness, honesty and truth is both inspiring and motivating.

    As an Aboriginal woman, her words leapt out of the page and into my heart pulling on the strings of similarities. Her resilience and positivity as a strong and proud black woman have changed the trajectory of her path.

    Each chapter of her journey is steeped in connection with people and country. Overlaid with eternal gratefulness she has shaped the darkest moments into spaces of challenge and growth. Never a woman to walk away from a challenge and someone who takes the time to share and encourage others. I’m forever thankful to call her a sista, colleague and friend.

    She is both powerfully wonderful and solidly black. It’s without a doubt a must read.”

  • Natalie Pierson - Aboriginal Educational Leader

    “To Dream Big and Imagine the What If is not only the title of this book but the mantra in which Kylie has chosen to live her life. Kylie’s journey is a story of determination, resilience, strength and hope and one I encourage everyone to read.

    Kylie is a strong, proud, Aboriginal woman who prioritises her time on improving outcomes for her mob. Kylie stands on the shoulders of her Elders and through her yarns shares the importance of “every child deserves a champion: an adult who will never give up on them, who understands the power of connection and insists they become the best they can possibly be” (Rita Pierson).

    Throughout this story Kylie shares the many challenges she has faced throughout her life and the lessons learnt to rise above. A story that has you feeling every emotion, but leaves you inspired and motivated to dream big and live the best life you can!”


  • Associate Professor Cathie Burgess - University of Sydney, President Aboriginal Studies Association

    “Kylie’s story should be read by every educator, every student, indeed every Australian. It’s a story of determination, grit and commitment, of an awakening to the emancipatory power of education to mobilise new ideas, opportunities and possibilities.

    It is also a story of the strength, resilience, respect and reciprocity embedded in Aboriginal communities, of a First Nations people who refuse assimilation as the best option and push forward against enormous pressure to assert their cultural, political and sovereign rights.

    Kylie’s story is the embodiment of this strength and gives us all hope that if we listen to and learn from First Nations peoples and communities, if we embrace the generosity and wisdom of educators like Kylie, we as Australians and as a nation will learn from our past and mature into the nation we should be, a sustainable, authentic and empathetic diverse community of leaders and innovators.”

  • Professor Bob Morgan - Respected Aboriginal Educator, Researcher and Social Justice Advocate

    “Being from the Gumilaroi community of Walgett, I share a common cultural and family heritage with Kylie Captain and reading her story fills me with profound pride and admiration.

    I know Kylie’s family and the pain of loss.

    Kylie’s book, Dream Big and Imagine the What If should be compulsory reading for all who are willing to dream and those who refuse to allow adversity to define them.

    Kylie’s story stands as testament to overcoming adversity and the strength of dreams and of believing.

    Kylie’s book is filled with messages of kin and Country; it celebrates the intrinsic power of dreams and gratitude and it is a moving chronicle of resilience.

    Kylie is the woman she has become because she refused to surrender to adversity. I am so proud of her brave resilience and her survival and her book is there to inspire, motivate and serve as a signpost for the possibility of hope and the transformative magic of dreams.

    Read the book and be empowered.”

  • Maria Serafim - Educational Leader

    “Kylie was meant to write this story. Through her raw, genuine and compelling narrative, Kylie provides a road map of life lessons and strategies to help us as individuals, as a community and as a nation.”


  • Narelle Nies - Educational Leader

    “‘I am good enough and I am smart enough. I’m healthy and full of love and life. I forgive myself for not being perfect, as no one is. I trust the journey of life and know that everything that I have experienced has led me to where I am today.’ (Kylie Captain)

    If you have ever felt not good enough, struggled with your self-image and self-doubt, failure, taken the wrong path, or wrestled with grief, this story will speak volumes to you and lift you, inspiring you to redefine yourself. It will help you reset and redirect you to a positive path. It is a courageous story that inspires and demonstrates how to harness your own resilience in order to achieve great things.

    Kylie Captain’s personal story is deeply honest, full of heart and demonstrates her grit to not only live but thrive. Kylie leads us through her raw and deeply personal story guiding us all in understanding how we too can dream big, imagine the ‘what ifs’ and achieve our life goals. She provides a road map for improving our outlook on life, demonstrating how to rise above challenges and setbacks, deal with grief and create the life we all deserve. Kylie bares her soul sharing personal experiences to show us how it’s never too late to develop a goal and to visualise the life that we have always dreamt. Her bravery in overcoming multiple setbacks, her ability to love and trust despite losing almost every loved one at an early age is heartbreaking but this does not stop her; it instead lights a fire in her belly to rise above it, all while inspiring others to do so too. Empowered to live her life to the fullest, she honours her past, faces her fears head on and not only chases her dream but achieves them.

    It is a beautiful reminder that our past does not define us but is rather a part of our journey. Kylie demonstrates how to change the inner voice to one of self-belief. As an educator she also advocates for not only her people but for everyone. Kylie writes from the heart, with courage, kindness and a drive to have a positive impact on all she comes in contact with in her endeavour to leave the world a better place. She encourages the reader to draw upon their resilience to unlock and unleash their potential. ‘Dream Big and Imagine the What If’ is a must read, a true narrative that gives great insights into transforming yourself to lead the life you have always imagined. She provides practical advice by stimulating self- reflection, thought and will leave you changed for the better. A heart-wrenching story of hope and resilience empowering others to greatness.

    I am forever grateful that our paths crossed as Kylie inspires and encourages me too to advocate for our children, to give gratitude for all that is great and most of all to strive to be the best version of myself. I hope that is your experience too as you interact with this passionate and resilient author. A story that goes beyond hope!”

  • Annelise Dixon - Teacher

    “‘Dream Big and Imagine the What If’ took me on an emotional and eye-opening journey, and it has been a book I just couldn’t put down! Each chapter resonated with my own experiences of grief, my work as a teacher, my interest in Aboriginal culture, and my continual journey of self-discovery and improvement.

    I’ve read Kylie’s book multiple times and each time I’ve gained new insights into the powerful topics she explores. I admire and am inspired by Kylie’s raw, authentic and genuine writing style in which she opens up about the many challenges she has faced and overcome.

    I was inspired to work on my passions and goals through self- belief, hard work, positivity and, most importantly, kindness. Kylie gave me the understanding of why these are important things to aim for as well as providing clear steps to continually improve in these areas.

    After reading Dream Big and Imagine the What If, in the words of Kylie, ‘I will continue to do my part in making a difference for the change I wish to see.’”

  • Zia Tayebjee - Social Worker

    “This is a wonderful and critically important read.

    Kylie is a proud Gamillaroi woman whose vulnerability and honesty about her life’s journey overcoming addiction and navigating unimaginable loss is inspiring and uplifting.

    As for so many First Nations People, her family’s health and wellbeing have been devastated by the legacy of attempted genocide and ongoing racism. Kylie does not dwell on these injustices. Instead she writes beautifully about love, family, connection, kinship and community and how this kept her strong and helped her to persevere through her darkest moments to achieve huge success in her life.

    Kylie has chosen to share parts of her story in the hope that her words and the love behind them can help others. It is a privilege to read and easy to understand why Kylie is a role model to so many.

    Reading this book has me reflecting on the What If. What if non-Aboriginal people could listen and learn from stories like these and take meaningful action to move towards justice, truth, equality and healing for First Nations People. Dream Big and Imagine the What If is essential reading for all Australians.

    Read it and then buy several more copies for your family and friends. This is a voice that matters.”


  • Kylie Lyneham - Aboriginal Educational Leader

    “Some people make an unforgettable first impression in a matter of minutes and you find they even exceed their reputation when you meet with them. Kylie is one of those people. Her ability to put people at ease, share her kindness and completely envelop you with her optimism, makes every encounter with her memorable.

    Kylie has transcended disadvantage, profound grief and setbacks, making her well placed to guide anyone to see what is beautiful in life. This is where her thoughts and energy go, and success follows.

    To be connected to culture, our Elders and pride in the achievements of Aboriginal people past, present and future gives Kylie strength and deep purpose.

    As a gifted educator no matter who is in the room, Kylie is highly dedicated to addressing inequity and the closing of achievement gaps. However, there is another gap to close in Australia and it is the truth and knowledge gap of our Aboriginal people.

    Kylie has an incredible ability to connect, educate and raise awareness so that other educators and leaders are well placed to teach with authenticity and confidence.

    This book will inspire anyone who thinks rock bottom is down and out, to think differently. It will lead the reader to learn that rock bottom is a place to journey from with the right climbing tools: hope, compassion, purpose, pride and a dedicated love of children.”

  • Melinda Smith - Counsellor and Life Coach, Heavens Above Helensburgh

    “This book provides an incredible and indispensable insight into the subjects of grief, culture, kindness, education, community, endurance and mother’s love. Kylie’s journey of life lived to the fullest in 40 years. With breathtaking honesty and humility Kylie dives deep into her personal story of truth.

    There is so much for everyone to learn and understand from the student to the teacher in life. Kylie has it fully covered from the first page to the end.

    Direct experience in life is our greatest teacher to assist in these now times of living. Kylie’s words of wisdom and love will capture your heart many times over throughout this book.”

  • Karin Ingleton - Educational Leader

    “Kylie Captain is a proud Aboriginal woman, passionate educator, public speaker, inspiration and my darling friend.

    She is the voice of hope, belief, inspiration, resilience and passion. She is a visionary and facilitator of change in our world.

    Her book and story is for everyone. If you are an educator, it is a MUST read for what matters most ~ lifting children, believing in them and never giving up. Being the champion every child needs and deserves. This is what teaching is about ~ the heart and soul. This is how we get results. This is how we make a difference!

    Kylie is a remarkable storyteller and this is one hell of a yarn about her life. How one person can turn it all around. How one person can make a difference in the life of another.

    Compelling reading, enlightening and inspiring. It is chicken soup for the soul. In fact, Kylie even shares her recipe for Blackfulla Chicken Soup!

    In these times, this is the story we all need to read. A story of hope, inspiration, resilience and belief.

    A story that has a potent message and will change the lives of many others.

    Kylie Captain I adore you as a Deadly Woman, Beautiful Sista and Darling Friend. Keep Dreaming!!”